Thursday, January 26, 2006

2 Kaede students make blogs!!!

Mark Caissey

Congratulations to all the 2 Kaede students for making their blogs. I want to visit your blogs! Please make a comment in the comment section for this blog. I'll visit your blog soon!

Mr. Caissey

NOTE: To leave a comment, click on the word COMMENTS below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Kanto teachers also make blogs!!

Welcome Kanto teachers! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the small amount of stuff that I've put on here. I will try to add to it over the coming weeks.

If you have created your own blog, be sure to click on "COMMENTS" below this entry, and enter a comment. This way all other teachers and students reading the comments will be able to visit your site.

Happy Blogging!

Mr. C

1 Kaede students make blogs!!!

Mark Caissey

Congratulations to all the 1 Kaede students for making their blogs. I want to visit your blogs! Please make a comment in the comment section for this blog. I'll visit your blog soon!

Mr. Caissey

NOTE: To leave a comment, click on the word COMMENTS below.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

For news about Japan in English, click on these links

Japan Today and Blogs:

Here's a site that has some interesting quotations from people in Japan.

On the same site, there is a lot of news regarding Japan. I like this site because all the news is written in English, and the stories are written concisely, so I can quickly read about the major news in Japan. Here is an article about the President of Livedoor, Takahumi Horie, communicating with the public using his Blog.

- M

When I can't go skiing, I go hiking!

Hiking is my favourite non-winter sport in Japan. Here are some pictures:

The first picture is me at the top of a mountain in Gunma. It was a very good climb. The second photo is me and some of my friends at the top of Izugatake in Chichibu. This is a great mountain to climb, and the view from the top is great.

- M

Skiing is my favourite sport


Skiing is definitely my favourite sport in Japan. The winter in Japan is warmer than in Canada, so skiing in Japan is much more comfortable. Sometimes I go skiing in a T-shirt in the spring! But the winter is shorter. I am always sad when the ski season finishes.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Don't believe what all those others say....

... get it straight from the source! Welcome to my blog, where I intend to write all sorts of stuff about myself. Some of it true. Most of it embellished. Ah, what the heck, you might as well just skip ahead to the pictures.... Enjoy!
- Mark