Tuesday, January 24, 2006

1 Kaede students make blogs!!!

Mark Caissey

Congratulations to all the 1 Kaede students for making their blogs. I want to visit your blogs! Please make a comment in the comment section for this blog. I'll visit your blog soon!

Mr. Caissey

NOTE: To leave a comment, click on the word COMMENTS below.


Blogger Mark Caissey said...

Hello. Thank you for visiting the COMMENTS section! I want to see you blog! Please tell me the link.

Mr. Caissey

12:24 PM  
Blogger Michael Stout said...

Hi Mr. Caissey,
Thanks for working so hard on this. I know 1 Kaede students are having a ball reading and writing blogs.

8:36 AM  
Blogger namaketarou said...

There are many comments in your blog!

will be!ahahaha~

6:06 AM  
Blogger JAY said...

Hi!!! Mr.Caissey!!!
How are you doing???
I had trouble in my blog like before that it couldn't display... so I made new one!!!
if you have a time, please visit to my blog!!!

12:30 AM  

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